
Showing posts from April 20, 2019

Want to know why Webcam can't be captured by Cheese while VLC picks it up Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)Webcam detected but not showing upWhy can't VLC see my webcam's microphone?VLC doesn't display while streaming webcam output to file

Nose gear failure in single prop aircraft: belly landing or nose-gear up landing? How were pictures turned from film to a big picture in a picture frame before digital scanning? Does silver oxide react with hydrogen sulfide? Why is the change of basis formula counter-intuitive? [See details] Special flights Is it dangerous to install hacking tools on my private linux machine? Google .dev domain strangely redirects to https Is there any word for a place full of confusion? How much damage would a cupful of neutron star matter do to the Earth? What does 丫 mean? 丫是什么意思? Is openssl rand command cryptographically secure? Does the Mueller report show a conspiracy between Russia and the Trump Campaign? Can two people see the same photon? What are the main differences between the original Stargate SG-1 and the Final Cut edition? Delete free apps from Play Store library Can an iPhone 7 be made to function as a NFC Tag? Did Mueller's report provide an evidentia

(4035) 1986 WD Índice Características orbitales Características físicas Véase también Referencias Enlaces externos Menú de navegación«(4035) 1986 WD»«(4035) 1986 WD»

Asteroides troyanos de JúpiterObjetos astronómicos descubiertos por Takeshi UrataObjetos astronómicos descubiertos por Kenzo SuzukiObjetos astronómicos descubiertos en 1986Objetos astronómicos por denominación provisional asteroideasteroides troyanos de JúpiterTakeshi UrataKenzo Suzukidistancia mediauaSolalejarseacercarseexcentricidadinclinación orbitalgradosórbitamagnitud absolutakmdiámetrovuelta sobre su ejealbedo (4035) 1986 WD Descubrimiento Descubridor Takeshi Urata, Kenzo Suzuki Fecha 22 de noviembre de 1986 Lugar Toyota Designaciones 1973 SR4, 1973 UF6, 1986 WD Nombre provisional 1986 WD Categoría Asteroides troyanos de Júpiter Elementos orbitales Longitud del nodo ascendente 233,7° Inclinación 12,13° Argumento del periastro 198,5° Semieje mayor 5,284 ua Excentricidad 0,05634 Anomalía media 114,8° Elementos orbitales derivados Época 2457000,5 (09/12/2014) TDB [ 1 ] ​ Periastro o perihelio 4,986 ua Apoastro o afelio 5,582 ua Período orbital sideral 4437 días Características fís

How to Move a KDE Vault? Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)Should I include /dev in backups?Copy Ubuntu distro with all settings from one computer to a different oneHow to move to KDE?How to use Ubuntu Terminal to backup data over a shared netowrk driveKubuntu not logging in after restoring an rscyn-based backupwhich directories to backup system (no audiovisual data)?Encrypt folders with Plasma Vault?Restoring a boot drive (partition table, boot partition, and root) but restoring files from rsnapshotHow to get my backup and restore working using FOSS toolsCannot restore directory with accurate date control with nautilus and deja-dup

Is there public access to the Meteor Crater in Arizona? Putting class ranking in CV, but against dept guidelines Is it dangerous to install hacking tools on my private linux machine? Why shouldn't this prove the Prime Number Theorem? What does it mean that physics no longer uses mechanical models to describe phenomena? I can't produce songs Why datecode is SO IMPORTANT to chip manufacturers? Can humans save crash-landed aliens? Why is the change of basis formula counter-intuitive? [See details] How often does castling occur in grandmaster games? Does silver oxide react with hydrogen sulfide? Why not use the yoke to control yaw, as well as pitch and roll? Caught masturbating at work As a dual citizen, my US passport will expire one day after traveling to the US. Will this work? Flight departed from the gate 5 min before scheduled departure time. Refund options Resize vertical bars (absolute-value symbols) How to write capital alpha? Delete free