
Showing posts from March 17, 2019

Two folder contain same data but delete only one at a timeAny way of maintaining permissions when using NTFS mounted drive in Ubuntu?Mounted Samba permission problemHow can I grant guest accounts read (or read-write) permission on a folder outside their home?Share a folder NOT in the home directoryLocked out by permissions on an internal 4TB drives problemPermissions issues againPermission File/Folder delete only file insideGive write-access to subfolder in read-only samba shareNTFS Archiving drive is only permanently deleting and cannot send items to trashCannot view mounted drive contents in Sonarr/Radarr

Can other pieces capture a threatening piece and prevent a checkmate? How is the partial sum of a geometric sequence calculated? Is it possible to stack the damage done by the Absorb Elements spell? What (if any) is the reason to buy in small local stores? Could Sinn Fein swing any Brexit vote in Parliament? What is the English word for a graduation award? Synchronized implementation of a bank account in Java How are passwords stolen from companies if they only store hashes? Geography in 3D perspective Is there a term for accumulated dirt on the outside of your hands and feet? Help prove this basic trig identity please! Word for flower that blooms and wilts in one day Bash - pair each line of file HP P840 HDD RAID 5 many strange drive failures What favor did Moody owe Dumbledore? Help rendering a complicated sum/product formula Is there a hypothetical scenario that would make Earth uninhabitable for humans, but not for (the majority of) other animals?

How to install appropriate graphic driver for laptopGraphic driver support for Z77 chipsetOpen-source driver for AMD Radeon HD 6490MCoreect drivers for ATI Raedon hybrid graphicsHow do I change the default graphics driver from Intel to Nvidia in Ubuntu Gnome 14.04?How to know how many MB has my Intel graphic card?Installing graphics driver for Ubuntu 16.04Unable to compute GLSL shader 16.04 Panda3D game engineHow can I install intel HD graphic driver with kernel 3.14.44Ubuntu 18.04 Video Driver for AOpen DEX4502Issue with Vulkan installation and HD Graphics 4000

Help rendering a complicated sum/product formula Maths symbols and unicode-math input inside siunitx commands PTIJ: Do Irish Jews have "the luck of the Irish"? How to generate binary array whose elements with values 1 are randomly drawn Am I eligible for the Eurail Youth pass? I am 27.5 years old Suggestions on how to spend Shaabath (constructively) alone What does Jesus mean regarding "Raca," and "you fool?" - is he contrasting them? Worshiping one God at a time? Is there a hypothetical scenario that would make Earth uninhabitable for humans, but not for (the majority of) other animals? What is the English word for a graduation award? Using Past-Perfect interchangeably with the Past Continuous Variable completely messes up echoed string Is it possible to stack the damage done by the Absorb Elements spell? Should I use acronyms in dialogues before telling the readers what it stands for in fiction? Can a medieval gyroplane be bui

Solana (Álava) Historia Referencias Menú de navegación42°47′37″N 2°53′14″O / 42.7936, -2.887242°47′37″N 2°53′14″O / 42.7936, -2.8872

Despoblados de la provincia de Álava despobladoNuvillaRibera AltaÁlavaPaís VascoEspañaNuvilla Solana Entidad subnacional Solana Localización de Solana en España Solana Localización de Solana en Álava Coordenadas 42°47′37″N 2°53′14″O  /  42.7936, -2.8872 Coordenadas: 42°47′37″N 2°53′14″O  /  42.7936, -2.8872 Entidad Despoblado  • País   España  • Comunidad autónoma País Vasco  • Provincia Álava  • Cuadrilla Añana  • Municipio Ribera Alta  • Localidad Nuvilla Población (2019)    • Total 0 hab. [editar datos en Wikidata] Solana es un despoblado que actualmente forma parte de la localidad de Nuvilla, [ 1 ] ​que está situado en el municipio de Ribera Alta, en la provincia de Álava, País Vasco (España). Historia A mediados del siglo XIX consta que formaba parte de Nuvilla. [ 1 ] ​ Referencias ↑ a b López de Guereñu Galarraga, Gerardo (1989) [1957]. «Mortuorios o despoblados». Toponimia alavesa seguido de Mortuorios o despoblados y Pueblos alaveses . Onomasticon Vasconiae 5 . Barcelon